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Ultra-broadband absorptive refractory plasmonics for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction SCIE SCOPUS

Ultra-broadband absorptive refractory plasmonics for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction
RHO, JUNSUKGo, MyeongcheolHong, InjuLee, DasolKim, SanghoonJang, JunhoKim, Keon-WooShim, SangminYong, KijungKim, Jin Kon
Date Issued
Nature Publishing Group
As an environmentally friendly and renewable method for hydrogen production powered by solar energy, photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs) using broadband absorbers have received much attention. Here, we report the fabrication and characterization of an ultrabroadband absorber for the photocatalytic HER. The absorber is composed of titanium nitride and titanium dioxide heterostructures deposited onto a porous anodized aluminum oxide template. The absorber shows ultrabroadband absorption in both the visible and near-infrared regions (400-2500 nm), with averages of 99.1% and 80.1%, respectively. Additionally, the presence of the TiO2 layer within the absorber extends the lifetime of the hot carriers by 2.7 times longer than that without the TiO2 layer, enhancing the transfer of hot electrons and improving the efficiency of hydrogen production by 1.9 times. This novel ultrabroadband absorber has potential use in advanced photocatalytic HER applications, providing a sustainable and cost-effective route for hydrogen generation from solar energy. Researchers have developed an ultrabroadband absorber for reactions that produce hydrogen using light (photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions), which could improve the efficiency of hydrogen production using solar energy. The team, led by M. G. and I. H., used a porous AAO template (a structure used for depositing materials), depositing TiO2 and TiN (types of chemical compounds) onto it to create a material that can absorb light across a wide spectrum. The study showed that adding the TiO2 layer increased the lifetime of hot carriers (energized particles called electrons and holes) by 2.7 times, leading to better electron transfer and improved hydrogen production efficiency. They believe this new absorber could be used for affordable hydrogen production, using environmentally friendly and renewable solar energy. Future research will explore the potential uses and scalability of this technology.This summary was initially drafted using artificial intelligence, then revised and fact-checked by the author. The ultrabroadband absorptive refractory plasmonics is demonstrated with TiN and TiO2 deposited onto an anodized aluminum oxide template. The absorber shows ultrabroadband absorption in the solar spectrum (400-2500 nm). Furthermore, the absorber shows an extended hot carrier lifetime and improved efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen production. This novel ultrabroadband absorber has great potential to provide a sustainable and cost-effective route for hydrogen generation from solar energy.
Article Type
NPG Asia Materials, vol. 16, no. 1, page. 1 - 8, 2024-01
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