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Quick Block Transport System for Scalable Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain over D2D-assisted 5G Networks SCIE SCOPUS

Quick Block Transport System for Scalable Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain over D2D-assisted 5G Networks
Kim, Ryeong HwanNoh, HyunminSong, HwangjunPark, Gi Seok
Date Issued
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
IEEEThis paper presents a quick block transport system for scalable Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) blockchain over device-todevice (D2D)-assisted 5G networks. The objective of the proposed system is to increase the transaction throughput and further enable the application of the blockchain to delay-sensitive 5G services. To this end, the system rapidly disseminates the block data to all the peers on the blockchain network. The blockchain network is organized with mobile edge cloud (MEC) server and mobile peers in the 5G network. To ensure a scalable and reliable blockchain architecture, the core functionalities of the HLF blockchain are appropriately distributed among the mobile edge cloud and each mobile peer. The MEC server handles core functionalities for the blockchain network, such as block generation and membership management. In addition, it is responsible for gathering the network status of all peers and organizing the overlay structure to be utilized to rapidly propagate the block with a low network cost. On the other hand, the mobile peers handle the endorsing and validating functionalities to prevent block data tampering in the blockchain network. Furthermore, locality-aware device-to-device networking is utilized in 5G network coverage to achieve faster block dissemination. The proposed system is designed to work seamlessly in an existing HLF blockchain framework with consideration of scalability and compatibility. It is fully implemented using the open-source HLF and OpenAirInterface. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed block transport system, it was evaluated in an actual 5G network as well as 802.11 network. The experimental results verified its feasibility.
Article Type
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 19, no. 2, page. 1176 - 1190, 2022-06
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