Thesis(Master), 2018
2022년 대한환경공학회 국내학술대회, 2022-11-09
Bioresource Technology, vol. 349, page. 126834, 2022-04
Industrial and Domestic Waste Management, vol. 2, no. 1, page. 17 - 29, 2022-05
Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 14, no. 2, page. 523 - 535, 2023-02
Bioresource Technology, vol. 282, page. 439 - 446, 2019-03
5th International Conference series on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment: Future and Challenges (ICAFEE 2021), 2021-11-16
2021 대한환경공학회 국내학술대회, 2021-11-05