2010 제 22회 한국분자세포생물학회, 2010-10-07
2010년도 한국분자세포생물학회 정기학술대회, 2010-10-07
The 18th Annual Meeting of the Korea Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2006-10-12
The 18th Annual Meeting of the Korea Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2006-10-12
KSBMB Annual Meeting, 2011-05-16
14th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus & Related Viruses, 2007-09-09
The American Society for Cell Biology, 2006-12-09
19th FAOBMB Seoul Conference, 2007-05-27
The 5th Korea-Japan Conference on Cell Signaling for Young Scientists, 2007-07-10
The 5th Korea-Japan Conference on Cell Signaling for Young Scientists, 2007-07-10
The 19th FAOBMB Seoul Conference, 2007-05-28
The 19th FAOBMB Seoul Conference, 2007-05-28
The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 2007-12-02
The 2007 Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2007-10-24
The 2007 Fall Meeting of the Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2007-10-24
The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 2007-12-02
The 65th KSBMB Annual Meeting, 2008-05-07
The65th KSBMB Annual Meeting, 2008-05-08
2006 FASEB Summer Research Conference, 2006-07-09