Fourth AACR-IASLC international joint conference on Lung Cancer Translational Science From the Bench to the Clinic, 2016-01-05
60th Annual International Meeting of Radiation Research Society, 2014-09-24
2014 The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014-04-17
2014 생화학분자세포생물학회, 2014-05-16
2014 대한심장학회 기초과학연구회 하계 심포지엄, 2014-08-22
혈관학회 동계 심포지움, 2015-01-23
ASTRO research workshop, 2018-07-26
2014 혈관학회 창립학술대회, 2014-11-07
64th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 2018-09-24
RRS Winter Workshop, 2018-03-01
ICRR 2015, 2015-05-27
15th International Congress of Radiation Research, 2015-05-27
CANCER RESEARCH, vol. 79, no. 4, page. 795 - 806, 2019-02-15
Keystone meeting: New Frontiers in Understanding Tumor Metabolism, 2016-02-22
New Frontiers in Understanding Tumor Metabolism, 2016-02-22